Graduation, Banquet and Sneak Peaks
Okay so I have been so busy I haven't had the time to even think of posting! We were busy with Cassandra's banquet at church. Every year our church puts on a banquet for the young people. An alternative to prom you might say. We allow the girls to dress up in MODEST prom apparel and the guys suits. They all have a nice dinner and then they change into something more relaxing yet still modest and have hay rides/bon fires/and preaching. Lots of fun. So we were preparing for this. See when you want your young people to look modest sometimes you have to adjust the things you find. We had found the beautiful dress but of course the dress wasn't suitable everywhere so I had to make a jacket for her dress, which turned out great. What was even better was for the whole outfit we only had $25 in it! Then we went from that to Graduation!!! Oh she did great...our pastor preached a wonderful message for the graduates, but something we could all apply to our lives. We are so proud of her and what she is becoming for the Lord. We can't wait to see what God has in store for her life! While all this has been going on I have been working on some projects...below are some pics of the fabrics I have been using..later this week I will post pics of my finished items. I am praying about opening and Etsy shop to sell some of my sewing projects. I am just wanting to seek the Lord's will concerning this. Praying everyone has a blessed week. I know the summer months find all of us very busy, I am looking forward to seeing what everyone is up to.