It's {REAL} We Signed The Papers!

First I want to say {thank you} to all those who contacted me concerning my last post.  Thank you for the kind words, and support.  It's always very scary putting yourself out there and being transparent to others.

In other news, the day finally came last week! We signed on the house.  I just couldn't believe the day came.  My husband asked me on the way if I was nervous.  I said, actually no I wasn't nervous at all.  I was however, beyond giddy.  Every time they passed a paper my way to sign, I actually giggled.  Like out loud giggling! They probably thought something was wrong with me.  We are now in the process of the land being graded, and the well and septic being put in place.  We are terribly excited about all the happenings.  Please help us pray for wonderful weather the next few weeks.  Once settled in we will post pictures of the house. In the meantime, please enjoy some pictures of the snow we received a few weeks ago, and few more of other happenings.

Closing day

Grading started on the property

Silas and his buddy at church, wearing matching bow ties on Sunday.  And the little girls with one of their favorite preachers! 

And our newest addition to the family!  This is a picture from the day we brought her home.  I asked if she wanted to take a picture and she looked right at the camera.  This is Ella, she has found her way into all our hearts. We are having so much fun with her! I'm sure you'll be seeing lots more pics of this girl too.


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